In an era where many believedwelling in Europe or grabbing highly paid jobs is the order of the day, ModouLoum decided to settle in the rural part of the country, Torro-Ba village inlower Badibbu district to earn a decent living. In his native village, Modoustarted small scale agriculture, involving in animal husbandry and on a barrenland he enriched the soil with the use of self-made local fertilizers tocultivate both fruit and vegetable crops. Every year, he organizes a field daywhere he teaches young farmers about new methods of farming.
Loum’sentrepreneurship voyage all began from an agricultural training school inNjawara village. He rose from a desperate and ambitious teenager to one of themost respected and household name in the region, all courtesy of his agricinnovations.
Inan interview with BAJ Gambia North Bank Region correspondent, Modou Loum wasquoted as saying:
“Theearly days in that school was very difficult for me, I went to the head of theschool and told him that I couldn’t continue with this training because in thewhole school I was the only one who had never gone through a formal education,thus can’t understand English when most of the lectures were done in English soI have to look for other alternatives. The director of the school gave me moralsupport and I strived hard to improve my grammar and other local languages soas to facilitate easy communication.”
Inthe school, he said they were taught how to make fertilizers, managementsinvolved in crop and animal husbandry, grafting, and other agriculturalpractices.
Reflectingon his family conditions and the desire to succeed in life, Modou adhered tothe words rendered to him by his instructors and it paid dividends when hecompleted his certificate with flying colors.